الآن في مصر تومي تاك ادوات تنحيف البطن للنصف وشد الترهلات في 30يوم (10دقائق كل يوم) دون اثار جانبية
النتائج تظهر بشكل يومي حتى نهاية الشهر لتجد منطقة البطن تنحف وتصبح نصف ما كانت عليه وبطريقة صحية وآمنة
ابحث عنه في اليوتيوب بأسم Tummy Tuck Belt
The Tummy Tuck Belt is billed as a 10-minute at home tummy tuck system. It’s basically a stretchy, spandex like girdle of sorts that you wrap around your waist. And what’s truly incredible is that even without exercise or changing your diet, wearing the belt will ‘melt’ body fat around the abdominal area. Amazing, huh!
How the Tummy Tuck Belt Is Used
The Tummy Tuck Belt is a large elastic band that you slip on either over your head or feet first (feet first is my personal preference because I have a large chest, so it’s a lot easier for me to step into it and then pull it up and over my hips. The first few times I used it, I have to admit that it was a little difficult to get into, but it got easier fairly quickly. Here’s a breakdown of how it works. There are 4 super-easy steps.