YOGANUSASANAM – 10 day course taught by Geetaji
YOGANUSASANAM – 10 day course taught by Geetaji
I just returned from ‘Yoganusasanam’, Geeta Iyengar’s 70th birthday celebration intensive course.
Held in an enormous badminton arena on the outskirts of Pune, this event had over 1200 participants from 57 countries. The course lasted 10 days and in this time Geetaji gave us a firm foundation in basic Asanas in order to prepare for Pranayama which we spent more time on as the event progressed. The title of the event is the first of Patanjali’s yoga sutras and translates as ‘Here begins a detailed exposition of the sacred art of yoga’. There was a rich involvement of yoga philosophy throughout the thoroughly practical course. Coming as this event did so soon after the passing of Guruji BKS Iyengar, there were many moving references to the great man and his work as well as special tributes to him from his Granddaughter Abhijata and Geeta.

Several things stood out, I had been wondering how this many people would be able to all participate meaningfully together in one event but actually, due to the remarkably intelligent and responsive nature of the organising team, it felt like we were all joined together in exploring some of the important aspects of yoga. But the real force behind the success of the event was Geetaji herself – she was in inspired form and with her inimitable combination of deep knowledge of the subject, razor sharp perception of the students in front of her, and her compassion and humour, she inspired all of us to work hard and to learn.

Rarely have I been somewhere where people were so friendly and smiley, old friendships being rekindled and new ones forged in the breaks between classes and over the delicious Indian lunches served to us. I was asked as a representative of Turkey to speak about Iyengar yoga in Turkey and this formed, along with nine other countries, the basis of an afternoon’s presentation that highlighted the variety of people’s experiences in different parts of the world (yoga being banned by Islamic clerics in Malaysia for example). A heartfelt thanks to all who made this wonderful event possible.
I just returned from ‘Yoganusasanam’, Geeta Iyengar’s 70th birthday celebration intensive course.
Held in an enormous badminton arena on the outskirts of Pune, this event had over 1200 participants from 57 countries. The course lasted 10 days and in this time Geetaji gave us a firm foundation in basic Asanas in order to prepare for Pranayama which we spent more time on as the event progressed. The title of the event is the first of Patanjali’s yoga sutras and translates as ‘Here begins a detailed exposition of the sacred art of yoga’. There was a rich involvement of yoga philosophy throughout the thoroughly practical course. Coming as this event did so soon after the passing of Guruji BKS Iyengar, there were many moving references to the great man and his work as well as special tributes to him from his Granddaughter Abhijata and Geeta.

Several things stood out, I had been wondering how this many people would be able to all participate meaningfully together in one event but actually, due to the remarkably intelligent and responsive nature of the organising team, it felt like we were all joined together in exploring some of the important aspects of yoga. But the real force behind the success of the event was Geetaji herself – she was in inspired form and with her inimitable combination of deep knowledge of the subject, razor sharp perception of the students in front of her, and her compassion and humour, she inspired all of us to work hard and to learn.

Rarely have I been somewhere where people were so friendly and smiley, old friendships being rekindled and new ones forged in the breaks between classes and over the delicious Indian lunches served to us. I was asked as a representative of Turkey to speak about Iyengar yoga in Turkey and this formed, along with nine other countries, the basis of an afternoon’s presentation that highlighted the variety of people’s experiences in different parts of the world (yoga being banned by Islamic clerics in Malaysia for example). A heartfelt thanks to all who made this wonderful event possible.
Held in an enormous badminton arena on the outskirts of Pune, this event had over 1200 participants from 57 countries. The course lasted 10 days and in this time Geetaji gave us a firm foundation in basic Asanas in order to prepare for Pranayama which we spent more time on as the event progressed. The title of the event is the first of Patanjali’s yoga sutras and translates as ‘Here begins a detailed exposition of the sacred art of yoga’. There was a rich involvement of yoga philosophy throughout the thoroughly practical course. Coming as this event did so soon after the passing of Guruji BKS Iyengar, there were many moving references to the great man and his work as well as special tributes to him from his Granddaughter Abhijata and Geeta.
Several things stood out, I had been wondering how this many people would be able to all participate meaningfully together in one event but actually, due to the remarkably intelligent and responsive nature of the organising team, it felt like we were all joined together in exploring some of the important aspects of yoga. But the real force behind the success of the event was Geetaji herself – she was in inspired form and with her inimitable combination of deep knowledge of the subject, razor sharp perception of the students in front of her, and her compassion and humour, she inspired all of us to work hard and to learn.
Rarely have I been somewhere where people were so friendly and smiley, old friendships being rekindled and new ones forged in the breaks between classes and over the delicious Indian lunches served to us. I was asked as a representative of Turkey to speak about Iyengar yoga in Turkey and this formed, along with nine other countries, the basis of an afternoon’s presentation that highlighted the variety of people’s experiences in different parts of the world (yoga being banned by Islamic clerics in Malaysia for example). A heartfelt thanks to all who made this wonderful event possible.
YOGANUSASANAM – 10 day course taught by Geetaji
I just returned from ‘Yoganusasanam’, Geeta Iyengar’s 70th birthday celebration intensive course.
Held in an enormous badminton arena on the outskirts of Pune, this event had over 1200 participants from 57 countries. The course lasted 10 days and in this time Geetaji gave us a firm foundation in basic Asanas in order to prepare for Pranayama which we spent more time on as the event progressed. The title of the event is the first of Patanjali’s yoga sutras and translates as ‘Here begins a detailed exposition of the sacred art of yoga’. There was a rich involvement of yoga philosophy throughout the thoroughly practical course. Coming as this event did so soon after the passing of Guruji BKS Iyengar, there were many moving references to the great man and his work as well as special tributes to him from his Granddaughter Abhijata and Geeta.

Several things stood out, I had been wondering how this many people would be able to all participate meaningfully together in one event but actually, due to the remarkably intelligent and responsive nature of the organising team, it felt like we were all joined together in exploring some of the important aspects of yoga. But the real force behind the success of the event was Geetaji herself – she was in inspired form and with her inimitable combination of deep knowledge of the subject, razor sharp perception of the students in front of her, and her compassion and humour, she inspired all of us to work hard and to learn.

Rarely have I been somewhere where people were so friendly and smiley, old friendships being rekindled and new ones forged in the breaks between classes and over the delicious Indian lunches served to us. I was asked as a representative of Turkey to speak about Iyengar yoga in Turkey and this formed, along with nine other countries, the basis of an afternoon’s presentation that highlighted the variety of people’s experiences in different parts of the world (yoga being banned by Islamic clerics in Malaysia for example). A heartfelt thanks to all who made this wonderful event possible.
I just returned from ‘Yoganusasanam’, Geeta Iyengar’s 70th birthday celebration intensive course.
Held in an enormous badminton arena on the outskirts of Pune, this event had over 1200 participants from 57 countries. The course lasted 10 days and in this time Geetaji gave us a firm foundation in basic Asanas in order to prepare for Pranayama which we spent more time on as the event progressed. The title of the event is the first of Patanjali’s yoga sutras and translates as ‘Here begins a detailed exposition of the sacred art of yoga’. There was a rich involvement of yoga philosophy throughout the thoroughly practical course. Coming as this event did so soon after the passing of Guruji BKS Iyengar, there were many moving references to the great man and his work as well as special tributes to him from his Granddaughter Abhijata and Geeta.

Several things stood out, I had been wondering how this many people would be able to all participate meaningfully together in one event but actually, due to the remarkably intelligent and responsive nature of the organising team, it felt like we were all joined together in exploring some of the important aspects of yoga. But the real force behind the success of the event was Geetaji herself – she was in inspired form and with her inimitable combination of deep knowledge of the subject, razor sharp perception of the students in front of her, and her compassion and humour, she inspired all of us to work hard and to learn.

Rarely have I been somewhere where people were so friendly and smiley, old friendships being rekindled and new ones forged in the breaks between classes and over the delicious Indian lunches served to us. I was asked as a representative of Turkey to speak about Iyengar yoga in Turkey and this formed, along with nine other countries, the basis of an afternoon’s presentation that highlighted the variety of people’s experiences in different parts of the world (yoga being banned by Islamic clerics in Malaysia for example). A heartfelt thanks to all who made this wonderful event possible.
Held in an enormous badminton arena on the outskirts of Pune, this event had over 1200 participants from 57 countries. The course lasted 10 days and in this time Geetaji gave us a firm foundation in basic Asanas in order to prepare for Pranayama which we spent more time on as the event progressed. The title of the event is the first of Patanjali’s yoga sutras and translates as ‘Here begins a detailed exposition of the sacred art of yoga’. There was a rich involvement of yoga philosophy throughout the thoroughly practical course. Coming as this event did so soon after the passing of Guruji BKS Iyengar, there were many moving references to the great man and his work as well as special tributes to him from his Granddaughter Abhijata and Geeta.
Several things stood out, I had been wondering how this many people would be able to all participate meaningfully together in one event but actually, due to the remarkably intelligent and responsive nature of the organising team, it felt like we were all joined together in exploring some of the important aspects of yoga. But the real force behind the success of the event was Geetaji herself – she was in inspired form and with her inimitable combination of deep knowledge of the subject, razor sharp perception of the students in front of her, and her compassion and humour, she inspired all of us to work hard and to learn.
Rarely have I been somewhere where people were so friendly and smiley, old friendships being rekindled and new ones forged in the breaks between classes and over the delicious Indian lunches served to us. I was asked as a representative of Turkey to speak about Iyengar yoga in Turkey and this formed, along with nine other countries, the basis of an afternoon’s presentation that highlighted the variety of people’s experiences in different parts of the world (yoga being banned by Islamic clerics in Malaysia for example). A heartfelt thanks to all who made this wonderful event possible.
Sheila Haswell in Istanbul 10-12 October
Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Highly Experienced Teacher Sheila Haswell, 10th – 12th October
This will be Sheila’s third time in Istanbul, a two and a half day workshop to help deepen your practice.
Sheila has over 30 years of teaching experience with a wealth of knowledge to give. Although approachable and humorous she has a determination to encourage students to realise their potential.
Sheila has worked with the Iyengar family on many occasions.
Day 1 – Friday 10th October 18:30 – 21:00
‘Selfless Pranayama’
Day 2 – Saturday 11th October 10:30 – 12:30, 13:30 – 16:00
‘Grace and Strength’
Working with standing asanas to access the potential for simultaneous grace and strength.
Day 3 – Sunday 12th October 09:30 – 11:30
‘Secure Backbends’
Backbends to enliven your spine
Friday evening 60TL (credit card), 50TL (cash)
Saturday all day 185TL (credit card), 160 (cash)
Sunday morning 100TL (credit card), 85TL (cash)
Whole workshop 310TL (credit card), 275TL (cash)
Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Highly Experienced Teacher Sheila Haswell, 10th – 12th October
This will be Sheila’s third time in Istanbul, a two and a half day workshop to help deepen your practice.
Sheila has over 30 years of teaching experience with a wealth of knowledge to give. Although approachable and humorous she has a determination to encourage students to realise their potential.
Sheila has worked with the Iyengar family on many occasions.
Sheila has worked with the Iyengar family on many occasions.
Day 1 – Friday 10th October 18:30 – 21:00
‘Selfless Pranayama’
‘Selfless Pranayama’
Day 2 – Saturday 11th October 10:30 – 12:30, 13:30 – 16:00
‘Grace and Strength’
Working with standing asanas to access the potential for simultaneous grace and strength.
‘Grace and Strength’
Working with standing asanas to access the potential for simultaneous grace and strength.
Day 3 – Sunday 12th October 09:30 – 11:30
‘Secure Backbends’
Backbends to enliven your spine
‘Secure Backbends’
Backbends to enliven your spine
Friday evening 60TL (credit card), 50TL (cash)
Saturday all day 185TL (credit card), 160 (cash)
Sunday morning 100TL (credit card), 85TL (cash)
Whole workshop 310TL (credit card), 275TL (cash)
Friday evening 60TL (credit card), 50TL (cash)
Saturday all day 185TL (credit card), 160 (cash)
Sunday morning 100TL (credit card), 85TL (cash)
Whole workshop 310TL (credit card), 275TL (cash)
Beloved Guruji
‘Towards Effortless Effort In Asana’ Workshop
Sine is Going to teach a Workshop in Ankara
Sine will be teaching at Yogasala Ankara for a two day workshop, 1st and 2nd of February.
On the 1st the course runs from 10:30 until 15:00
On the 2nd from 10:30 until 13:00.
Sine will be teaching at Yogasala Ankara for a two day workshop, 1st and 2nd of February.
On the 1st the course runs from 10:30 until 15:00
On the 2nd from 10:30 until 13:00.
On the 2nd from 10:30 until 13:00.
B.K.S. Iyengar’s 95th birthday!
Come and celebrate on the occasion of B.K.S. Iyengar’s 95th birthday!
Iyengar has been inspiring thousands of people all over the world and so on the 14th December at 13:00 we will be getting together to mark this special day.
There will be food, drink and chat, and we will watch a film about the origin of modern yoga.
Call Sine or Aidan for details.
Come and celebrate on the occasion of B.K.S. Iyengar’s 95th birthday!
Iyengar has been inspiring thousands of people all over the world and so on the 14th December at 13:00 we will be getting together to mark this special day.
There will be food, drink and chat, and we will watch a film about the origin of modern yoga.
Call Sine or Aidan for details.
Iyengar has been inspiring thousands of people all over the world and so on the 14th December at 13:00 we will be getting together to mark this special day.
There will be food, drink and chat, and we will watch a film about the origin of modern yoga.
Call Sine or Aidan for details.